Curt Anderson

rogue supports 4k and it's not demanding I imagine it'd look pretty good on a decent setup.

Yeah I reccomend it! It's a great AC game, port or not, and the PC is now the best way to enjoy it.

No, that's just shy of 4k. (I'm on a 980) (HA HA HA HA just realized I added one too many zeros. It'd probably be possible if you had enogh monitors) I meant 3200x1800
I'm running that on a 1080p monitor though, it makes all the edges/trees/masts etcs gorgeous.

Wrong thread?
I believe Ashcraft once even made a specific post about Patricia NOT being fired. I think she's here for the long haul.

I went from the PS3 to this PC port as well. The game was PRETTY on the PS3, but suffered from Aliasing and lo res textures. It really shines maxed on the PC. I heartily recommend it. It's a great game!

I would. But the $60 pricepoint is high unless you absolutely love AC (like me)
Maybe for a steam sale!

AC Rogue > Unity.

There are many cameos from ACIII, Liberation, and Black Flag.
The Textures were better in ACIII though. (A certain character exemplifies this)
But you should have no problem running rogue at all. It runs like a champ.

I'm literally playing it right this second. (I paused for a break)
I'm loving it. I think it's fantastic, just as good as Black Flag. I had it for PS3 as well and stopped playing when I heard the PC Port was coming. (Good call). The PS3 version had so much potential but had such low res textures and so many jaggies.

I don't even know what Gamers gate is.
I don't think Patricia is a good journalist or writer. And that's all I'm going to say on the matter.

Patricia recently made a post talking about realistic dicks on sims mods. Patricia likes to think she pushes the boundaries.

Patricia really went off on this one. I didn't even read most of it.

The first few seconds of the pre-rendered CG got my a little excited. (The whole game should look like that) then I saw the actual Graphics. Looks incredibly dated, almost low end mobile quality. Also they seem to be aping the recent Sim City font/style, because we all know HOW SUCCESSFUL THAT WAS....

he seems to be aping Steve Jobs (poorly) I like his leather jacket though it looks expensive. He's been wearing it for literally years now.

at one point he said "this is the exorcist of games." Whaaaaa?

they were Nvidia employees who built the device and software being shown.

Earlier today I was convinced it was White and Gold.
NOW I am seeing BLUE AND BLACK!?
I'm Seriously mindfucked at this point. I can't believe it.

Kim Jong Un is looking more like a "Fat Asian Cosmo Kramer" these days.

But her father Adopted him, so that makes her his sister.

Also, um, this happened.