Curt Anderson

I agree with you, but I think the idea is they are trying to capitalize on the FPS frenzy COD style. I think an RPG would be great as well, but I don't think that means this one can't exist. I'd like LOTS of GITS games.

I don't like it.
Looks bad.

The movie could be saved if the titans themselves are outstanding.

Speaking of the old days, do you remember!? That one was the BEST! HE seemed to updated it daily and was just as hype as us!

N64 became and gradually started adding consoles and morphed into the beast we know today.
Back in the Day it was a really great site. Speaking of the old days, do you remember!? That one was the BEST! HE seemed to updated it daily and was just as hype as us!

I believe I had this, I'm not sure How I got on that list but they would Send VHS's with pretty cool footage every blue moon. I seem to remember one for Donkey Kong 64 as well.

Whoa! You uploaded that yourself! Outstanding! I like you even more!
I had it on my HD as well but it's probably on a Zip Disk in a landfill by now! Great work!
I seriously had searched for it quite a bit as well (E3 Trailer was the terms too)


I effing love you, when I saw this thread I immediately thought of this trailer and how I watched it about 300 times leading up to the release. I was going to ask if anyone knew where it was because it's clearly not at (now IGN).
And lo and behold you posted it and it's the top comment! Thank you so much. I

Now playing

this recent Simpsons couch gag with Don Hertzfeldts vision of the future seems incredibly apros pos for ideas put forth in this article and comment thread.

One of my favorites of all time. Love the Character Design, didn't care for the game though!

I think you had guts to cover something like this, and even more guts to not censor the pix.
Kudos Patricia. Good post.

I want the girl.

Turning off SLI for me made mine perform alot better.

Don't be a dick. Yannick is one of the good editors on this site.

I'm glad to see this issue on Kotaku. My copy on Steam doesn't launch in online mode, I can play offline, but when steam is online it just jumps back to the desktop.
INCREDIBLY frustrating, paying $60 for a new release is alot of money to me right now.
Here's the longest thread on this particular issue on steam: (It is

for the most part fallout didnt have cars.

This is starting to get ugly.

I seem to see more than a few duplicates? What's up with that?
I'm assuming it was to make the boxes fit within the frame evenly in the beginning?

Wide screen is WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiide.

I like pixel games just fine. Shovel Knight is one I really love. But I think this style is a bit bizarre, it resembles early PC games like Kings Quest... Listen I PLAYED Kings Quest on a 486, and even then I thought the graphics were garbage, I DREAMED of 2014 when games would look "REAL" I have no nostalgia for this