Curt Anderson



I don't have much to add other than I'm happy about these changes and I REALLY like the Sims 4. I've logged 130 hours so far. It's messed up my social life, career aspirations etc, so overall... GREAT GAME.

This is...WITHOUT a doubt.... The worst Kotaku Shop Contest....TO DATE.

I'm so tired of these games being called "Love Letters"
That is just such a stupid sounding way to describe a game. I enjoy homages, Spiritual Successors, n-Game Types, etc."
Love letters.... jesus it just sounds so stupid to me.

Kotaku, My Little Pony, Junk Food, Magical Girl Anime, Toys, crimes, and occasionally video games.

He is two follicles from having a unibrow.

Under normal circumstances, you can only pursue certain types of relationships with certain people. If a sim is related to another sim, they can't romance each other—and they definitely can't marry each other, for example. Another rule: teens can't become pregnant. But just because the game is designed a certain way


There are different tiers of Kotaku Editors. I put Crescente and Ashcraft at the top.
I put Plunkett and Hernandez at the bottom.

This looks like a gigantic steaming pile of crap.
Seriously fuck this game.
There's literally hundreds of other games in my Steam Library I could be playing.

The rollercoaster demo. (Mentioned in the article)

This is good shit right here.


I'm pretty sure it's this:

What is reverse pregnancy? I have no idea, but it's a feature.

Enter the Babies For Everyone Mod, an alteration to The Sims 4 which allows nearly everyone to 'try for baby' while having sex. This means the game lets men become pregnant, as well as elders, and it even features "reverse pregnancy." It also means that gay couples can become pregnant via sex, instead of having to

I like how all the Kapp'n songs are about how much he loves his wife, and he gets a little sad if you skip his songs.