Curt Anderson


I just want to ford a river, and see how many horses survive.

I think you're thinking of Gabenism! I was reading the description and Gabenism works WITH this mod. Gabenism is a RELIGION. So you could have an empire, that also spreads it's own religion, kind of like the Holy Roman Empire. Wow.

WHAT'S THIS!? Gabe Newell as a King/Leader in Civilization?... What a great opportunity for me to self promote my non winning (not even mentioned) entry to the Kotaku Gabe Shop Contest. I kind of think it should have won, but It got lost in the hundreds of posts.

As good/nice as this is, I still think Brutal Doom is better.

Here is Alice Mourning for her ex-husband and daughter.
She got over it though, after this she danced in front of the stereo.

I stole Alice Spencer Kim from her husband because I thought her sim was Gorgeous. She became my sims sim wife and we lived happily ever after. But it bothered me that her ex and her daughter Olivia were still living it up in that mansion. I took Eric And Olivia into a dingy house and tried to burn it down

I installed the mod the other day, I think it's essential to anyone going for any kind or Realism in the Sims. Essentially the game is so dumbed down for the TEEN audience Rating, I think it's more than appropriate for older gamers to want to expand the game a little bit. For instance no Alchohol, just "nectar,"

I've played enough video games to know that if a land conflict ever happened between the US and Russia it would likely start here in the arctic and into Alaska.

Agreed I always loved that steak. Sometimes when I am having a particularly nice steak I think of this scene and say... "Ignorance is bliss."
I like that it was fairly rare looking, that's how I personally like my steaks.

Everything looks really authentic—well, except maybe Jerry's hair—in IanRoach's The Sims 4 version of the cast of Seinfeld and their places.

She just died today... talk about too soon.
In supremely bad taste. EVEN FOR KOTAKU.

He handled that real cool. I like how he pointed out to the Sign he liked, very Sinatra-ish. And I also thought it was cool he was ready with his Sharpie to sign stuff for the fans.
I like RDJ as much an anyone, but these people (Mostly girls?) absolutely lost their shit.

Yessir. Remember the BIIIIG Virtua Racing setup they had!? Like 8 or 12 full size cars with motion.
Once I won and my face was on the big screen, I felt like a champ beating all those "Grownups."

I played it in vegas, I'm not sure how much But I think it might have even been 10 or 20$. (They were likely gouging)

I actually tried this! I played it at the Luxor in Las Vegas, there was quite the line at the time. It was fucking amzing. It's basically just afterburner, but the spinning is just so fun, I remember I played poorly though and I think it was fairly expensive 10 or 20$ Not sure, but I only did it once, I wish I played

I was thinking something similar. I hate the new Sim City so much, the cities are just so damn small, and they often work in non logical mind baffling ways. The game was garbage. The older ones including this SC4 were so much better.

I'm so glad embedded pictures are back.

How does it know which drive to put it on? Hmmmm I suppose I will have to see for myself.

Don't care.