Curt Anderson

We Don't want it. And by we, I mean me.


An open world Kings Quest Skyrim style would scatch me right where I itch.

My dream is to play NBA 2k with someone currently in the NBA. I used to Know Al Harrington he lived in my apartment building in San Francisco when he played for the warriors, but we never hung out!!!

I love her.
I seriously would Marry Rousey.
She looks so smokin hot in expendables 3!

I thought the same thing, I've heard this joke atleast 10 times before.
Lame Microsoft.

This has nothing to do with beating the heat. He just doesn't want to get up to use the bathroom.


They even got a girl to come over.
These overheated chinese neckbeards are gods among men.

So Gran Turismo can put every car ever goddamn made and no one bats an eyelash. Mario gets 3 Mercedes and everyone loses their shit?

You KNOW this.

I am against excessive DLC, money grubbing and corporate greed.
But I fucking Love Assassin's Creed. This is not Guitar Hero to me, I just can't get enough. And Ubisoft knows I'm not alone.
I am STOKED for AC unity, it looks GORGEOUS. And I am AGAIN stoked for ANOTHER title with a focus on Sailing. I loved the shit out

For Plunkett this is an A+ post all the way. (It atleast has Fallout, which I love) Could have been worse. Could be like Fahey's Brony obsession.

That's probably why I dislike it so much.

Agreed. I think it would be funnier if there was atleast some of his dumbness to the picture.

I saw a video of it, it looks slightly better, but JUST the idea of controlling Bioshock with touch controls rubs me the wrong way. People with Ipad 4's or even Iphone 5s's will have decent graphics, but I shudder to think what older models will look like, if they even support it that is.

I disagree.

the artist clearly wants to bang everyone under the sea and that makes me uncomfortable... This is a kids show. And this is a video game site. ATleast it's not another My little pony post. (I'm sure there will be another later today)

ummmmm...... No....can we not?