Curt Anderson

you couldn't be more wrong fahey, civ rev 1 iOS was. 2d version resembling the DS port also done by 2k china. Civ rev 2 is an attempt to port the original console version to iOS, the units, animations, sounds everything is lifted from that game, albeit at much lower resolution, and you can't even see your cities, the

This looks beyond janky and is obviously being done by 2k china, the same sass clowns who just did the civ rev 2 iOS port, which I think is terrible compared to the grand console offering. This is just an excuse to print money while offering only a sliver of what the full console or PC offering gave us. I weep for

overclocking. That shit gets real Hot. Everything.

I think I got pretty deep in there, I believe it was in the town where the little boy is hiding in the bomb shelter/phone booth. My main problem was I think I still had the B-B gun from the Vault. And I think it was bugs that slaughtered me.

I agree, good example. Both great games but very different approach.

That reminds me about the first time I played Fallout 3.
I really didn't know what I was getting into the first time I fired it up. I basically didn't listen to anyone and didn't go to Megaton like the game wanted me to and started exploring the wasteland. Like you I got slaughtered and I was actually pissed, I was

For me, the more open the better. Eventually I want mega games, that are as big as planets. As long as there is fast travel, and horses, planes, cars, trains, whatever. And interesting stuff to do along the way. Linear games can be cool too, but open world (Ie Fallout or Skyrim) really excites me because I feel my

One of the Best Sci-Fi movies since the original Star Wars movies, and recently I just thought Guardians of the Galaxy had this same "Awesome" factor.

Could not disagree more. I liked Lucy, but when I walked out of the theater I kept thinking... "Not as good as Fifth Element."

Such an Awesome Sculptor! By checking out his page it looks like he sculpts them in 3DS Max then 3d Prints them. Very impressive.

Here's another, but slave Jessie makes me sad. :'(

he does have fat face look at

All he has to do is leave that godforsaken penal colony they call a country/continent.

While I'll agree than anything post Aliens is not great. The Alien Franchise is an all time classic, owing alot to the demented and iconic design of the late H.R. Giger. I don't think is over-rated at all. The first two I think are underrated masterpieces.

These girls have nice legs but their jean shorts don't fit.

that shit is RAD! This is the only kick starter I've ever backed, and I'm so glad I did!

No argument there. Look at all the fools who read Kotaku... oh wait....

There is some ridiculous statistic that Adam Sandler even though his movies are awful are some of the biggest money makers in hollywood.
This article sets it at 3.7 it's probably at 4 Billion now.
Those are Batman Numbers.…

Someone is going to die.

Ellen is lovely!
I was talking about Rachel Dratch!