Curt Anderson

You tell 'em Jon Snow.

Well 200,000 readers a week can't be wrong. And yes the art world is full of self pretentious bullshit so I suppose I fit right in.

Every time I critique this art a couple of numb skulls like you get up in arms, aghast that I would NOT LIKE something posted on a video game blog. Listen it's alright to not like

I run one of the biggest art websites on the web, and am a gallery artist. I feel I am at least a tiny bit qualified to critique something I personally don't like.

This has nothing to do with style. The artist is entitled to do whatever he likes, even if he is just photoshoping images together, then tracing them.


You're probably thinking of the same artist, because it's been re-posted a million times.

Too many.

I am sick of it. It was somewhat clever the first time. Now as you mentioned the 4th or so. I just DO NOT CARE. The artistry is really subpar, no gradients, no depth, flat, traced images.

I think the art style is hideous. But what do I know.

I was like... This sucks... This Sucks... This Sucks...

Then the heads split open...

I'm one of those doesn't watch TV guys aside from big shows like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones (on my computer) guys.

Ahhh yeah, I knew I recognized her from something else. (Friends)
I really liked her on friends.
I think she was Ross' love interest for awhile, making Rachel jealous. That tool Ross always got women way too hot for him.…

I don't have any issue with her, I'm referring to comments on this very article by people mentioning "She ruined who's line"

I will not apologize, because I have nothing to apologize for.

Good one.

How am I completely wrong? I never said the Next Gen didn't look good.

I implied that their efforts on this current gen version probably weren't up to par on purpose.

I think the way I wrote it confused you.

Reading the comments, alot of people seem to know her from "Who's line is it anyway" I don't watch the show, I think I've seen her do standup.
But evidently she is fairly obnoxious so maybe that explains her demise in this trailer.

It does seem quite bad, I'm sure the gameplay is plenty of fun though.
It almost seems like they didn't even try though to make the Next Gen versions really stand out.

Also that name on the phone sounded familiar to me "Aisha Tyler"
Sure enough she's a fairly well known actress, and I'm assuming who is doing the

Mary Had a Broken Leg.
Mary Died.

Will you Fjord the River?

3 oxen died.

Go Hunting?

You killed 95 Buffalo, take only 3 lbs of meat.

You have reached Oregon. Congratulations. Oregon sucks.

It got 26 recommendations.
Stop being a little bitch.
