Curtain Jerker

Did you just “Well actually” a minor detail about the awful Sonic movie?

“Unequivocally, this guy was the best shooter Dallas ever had.”

And a better talk show host than a safe sex haver.

Reading between the lines, he may have resigned because he’s also a terrible executive. But a better executive than a coach. And a better coach than a talk show host.

Did some research and figured it out. It’s a reference to ONE FUCKING LINE in the song “Smooth” he did with Santana.

My first thought upon seeing this news was, “I should text Albert!”

He would have liked to laugh it all off, but he wasn’t abel.

I fully accept that this is probably pedantic and I’m sure the story was fine, but if someone wrote me a pitch but couldn’t even bother to capitalize their sentences, that’s a hard no. Come on buddy.

Man, this is stone cold, wanting to keep down salaries even for the most ultimate of warriors? They must be living under a rock if they don’t see how bad a look this is. Absolutely savage. Mankind can be so cruel.

The Celts also did better when they were a rag tag confederation of barbarians trying to keep Caesar out of Gaul. And they had a better chance of winning that one too. 

we said to just pay the tickets, it’ll be fine

“i was annoying and he got annoyed. what a nightmare!”

There is a lot to unpack here.

Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted. 

I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I

I had acquired three extra small TVs, two old b&w ones, through various means and had them in a back room. Sometimes we would plug them in and play tecmo bowl on them. One day I come home and saw they were gone, and asked my roommate, also a fairly good friend, where’d they gone. He said, “Sorry man, I sold them. I

When did Cam Newton get married?

a simple trade request in private.

Just looked up the nutritional facts for one Marie Callenders Chicken Pot Pie and brother, you are eating 1,334.80 calories, 56% percent of which are coming from fat, 82.8 grams. Dieticians will urge you to eat less than 2 grams of Trans fat, you are eating 4. The good news is that you’re consuming 24% of your daily