Curtain Jerker

I forget where I first heard this cliche but someone once said that there’s no worse city in the winter and no better city in the spring/summer than Chicago.

Is it fair to compare Mou to Tom Thibodeau? Both had success (Mou more than Tom obviously) a half-decade or so ago with a defensive-minded scheme and neither has been willing/able to change said scheme once their respective leagues caught up to them?

Only the Bulls! Only the Bulls! Only the one and only...CHICAGO BULLS!

“But in spite of Real’s awful season so far, they’ve just breezed past one of the strongest teams in Europe with ease...”
This sentence is a lie and I’m a PSG fan. If PSG is one of the “strongest teams in Europe” then God help the continent. 

You’d think given all this hatred Billy has for Trump he would have proudly voted against him in 2016.
You’d be wrong of course, because to Billy “Voting’s for squares.” 

Silver lining is this movement may end the FOP, which would be welcome. Unlikely, but welcome.

They set up Rollins perfectly to get the first program with Roman once the latter beats Lesnar at Mania for the belt. Rollins can come out and say “You may be the champ but I just beat you, I want a title shot.”

This is astonishing to me, thanks for the info

This has the potential to be an all-time train wreck and I can’t wait to see in unfold in real time.

This the same Mark Madden who worked for WCW? Or a different guy named Mark Madden?

If the whole point of sports is to entertain us then Carlos Zambrano is a first-ballot Hall of Famer, as win or (especially) lose he was always entertaining as hell.

“It is my firm belief that the highest value must be placed on the virtue of each individual, regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation.”

This is really trivial but I do approve of his “Lord of Chaos” twitter profile pic. The last good Robert Jordan Wheel of Time book.

“ICOPRO: For every body...who cares about their body.”

You forgot this gem.

“...C. Trent Rosencrans to stay on the Reds beat...”

“It should be said, Neymar has been crushing it in Europe so far, too, though his group was comically easy.”
Not to let facts get in the way of a good narrative but Bayern Munich was in their group.

Roy Rodgers is a real place? I just thought it was the place that Paulie and Christopher want to go to in the Sopranos episode where they are stuck in the woods for hours.

“Just scores of horny 23-year-olds on the North Side crying out WE’RE ALL GONNA GET LAID in unison.”

Read this story as “The Rock Hilariously Tried To Storm The Clippers’ Locker Room” and was way more excited at first.