Consider Phlebitis

I can still smell the belts on that old Kirby. It smelled like America.

I’m adopted and got the “they’re not your real parents” shit all the time because I’m obviously a different, undermined race/ethnicity. The comments seemed to come from white people only. It always hurt me, because those are my real parents and have been since I was 2 days old.

Talking will initially be obsolete during questioning/interrogating.

Welcome to Super Bowl LIV coming to you live from the Goatse Dome.

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.


Pending an improbable exoneration from the internal peer review, everything [Arnold] had worked for is now gone, likely never to be recovered, ever again. Recovery, if there is any, appears to be something deserved only by the Twitter critics of a freelancer whose future writing career will apparently be, like the way

He taught Geomancy at Hogwarts for a couple years, didn’t he?

There will also be a peer review led by Vox Media editorial director Lockhart Steele

Ya I mean, its clearly “Face Me Sister!”

I’d be ok calling Jezebel “Joharibel” for the day.

What about the outline view? Are there cases where it works better than the three methods already expressed?

I used Word 2013 a lot the past semester to write papers and found myself using the navigation pane more and more. My faculty requires sections to be numbered and have a title, so I used the built in numbered headers. Nice thing is that you can then drag and rearrange them in the navigation pane.

And I add the garlic. And I add the garlic. And I add the garlic.

As Martin Yan always says, “It’s stir-fry, not stare-fry.”

I’m the same, unless I consciously make the effort to improve my handwriting, in which case it looks pretty neat.

Or everyone just starts sending him pen after pen until he dies under a mountain of Bics.

Worked out OK for this guy.

funny, after reading this all I want to so is give him the finger.

Bilton gives the impression that he was raised in a house by a succession of confirmed maiden aunts