Consider Phlebitis

Or maybe Renner practiced archery diligently but when the shots are set up, Whedon is telling him to look over there and grimace, but don't block that part of the green screen with your arm because there will be some cool CGI shit there, and have your body move this way—wait a beat, now, not too fast, not too fast,

I think I was a charter subscriber. I remember the advertising before the first issue came out called the magazine "Nova." IIRC, and I may not, the first issue used an H.R. Giger painting—I think this was before "Alien"—to illustrate, of all things, an Isaac Asimov story.

Let's see there was the one on the debate over which crater was the smoking gun in the extinction of the dinosaurs (this was right after Chicxulub first entered the news). And "Mad Maximum," about the sunspot cycle and how it might wreak havoc on satellites and electric power grids, etc. in the early 1990s. (Or not.)

I used to freelance for Omni. I'm not terribly proud of my article on towing icebergs to California, but the money was sweet.

And wheels didn't become a standard feature on luggage until about the 1990s. What's up with that?

"We debated the logistics of Pon Farr a lot in our staff meeting...."

"This latest evidence would seem to suggest that sex and sexuality persisted throughout generations of early humans...." Otherwise, there wouldn't be generations of later humans.

So a loose fiber optic cable can make neutrinos go faster than light? Awesome! I'll have a warp drive up and running by dinner time.

I haven't read it, but I'm declaring it canon. Just try and stop me!

In the footage posted earlier they were walking around under gravity. Maybe the ship was accelerating, or there's a centrifuge. Or, alas, artificial gravity.

And in Neuromancer no one had cell phones.

And this is on top of the devastation wrought by the oxygen-spewing cyanobacteria. It gives "green" a whole different connotation.

That's a rather pathetic way to spend one's time.

That's interesting. I heard that chilis turn out spicier in years of reduced rainfall. I guess if you had too many dry years in a row, the spiciness would start to decline.

Absolutely. I don't think of myself as a wine snob, but I was tired of Merlot even before "Sideways" came out. But I've bought cheap but entirely drinkable Cabernet-Sauvignons from Aldi and bought some "award-winning" wines for a lot more that made me go "WFT is that?"* Drink what you want, I say. Even if it's Merlot.

Or he decides to install a new head every few years.

Feh. I grew up in Pittsburgh, and I assure you it looks NOTHING like Gotham City.

"The work of 69 artists..." (puerile snicker)

Its prime-time broadcast was preempted by my local CBS affiliate. I caught an after-midnight repeat (I was 13 years old and it was a school night). Don't remember much. Better than the Spider-Man TV movie. Not as good as the Hulk telefilm. As I recall, this was followed up by the inexcusable Captain America TV movie,