An early 2012 release for Neuromancer sounds implausible, as it is still in pre-production and doesn't have a confirmed cast.
An early 2012 release for Neuromancer sounds implausible, as it is still in pre-production and doesn't have a confirmed cast.
The music in early trailers rarely ends up in the movie itself.
There was a made-for-TV Dr. Strange in the 1970s. Don't remember much, except I thought it was a lot better than the Captain America and Spider-Man telefilms.
The Benford-Bear-Brin Foundation novels are generally entertaining but don't add a whole lot. Vexingly, all three of them center on Hari Seldon rather than moving forward from Foundation and Earth. Brin's book actually takes place AFTER "The Psychohistorians," with Seldon temporarily rejuvenated and back on his feet.…
There was actually a computer game based on the story. From the packaging it looked to be about as much fun as EA's never-released SimCancer.
When first I saw the headline in the corner of my eye I thought Harlan was the Ellison being referred to.
The Slaver weapon from the animated Star Trek episode Larry Niven wrote. And the Sandman gun from the Logan's Run novel (not the movie). It was like the Mach 5 of handguns.
@lightninglouie: Is anyone publishing ambitious and transgressive SF these days? When I look for new SF at the public library, everything is an installment in some ongoing series I haven't been following.