Curry Hicks Sage

There wasn't a dry eye in the house, except, you know, one of his.

Most of the world runs because of a small fraction of people who make things and keep things running. The rest of us are reaping the benefits of their ingenuity and labour.

Hey, look! Ayn Rand has a Burner account!

Great piece, Drew. The push behind standardize testing has a lot to do with identification of metrics and collection of data in order to evaluate student and teacher effectiveness. This forms a more valid way of determining how well a teacher actually teaches or how well a school educates. The "old way" involved a lot

If your ex-girlfriend made you sit through the 2006 Jennifer Aniston/Vince Vaughn romantic comedy "The Break Up," which was set in Chicago, you probably left the theater with the urge to kill. Unfortunately, 16 Chicagoans were on the wrong end of that urge last weekend.

Couldn't you say the same thing about College Football fans. I know all schools have diehards who have followed the team for years. But go to any stadium or bar near campus and you're going to find a bunch of kids going bat shit crazy for a team they didn't even follow until the last week in August. FYI this is coming

I suppose I'm good with that. That is, as long as there is a separation of Church's and state.

Also hate when people don't specify Paris, TX or Rome, GA.


Excellent piece Barry. Although, I'd like to offer my thoughts on a particular line: Coming out is now a stage-managed media event, scripted and choreographed in a way that ensures America receives only the most telegenic version of what at bottom is still a deeply personal act.

Nonprofits, advocacy groups, and outreach programs can be amazing. They can renew your faith in your community, country, and maybe even your world. People are constantly growing emotionally and intellectually in these environments. So moving and inspiring to both watch and experience.

Excellent, well-researched piece. Although I agree with the criticisms of Athlete Ally, as a gay man who came out in 1973 I am pleasantly astonished that we have a problem of a straight man grandstanding and wanting attention in a quest to make life easier for gay athletes. I can remember when NO straight men would

I hate defending Mushnik, but if someone says to call and make a conversation between the two participants only, then maybe it's best to just do that first.

You're coming off only slightly better than him in all this.

What I just did in my toilet: Some nasty ass-shits

Micheal Sam probably saw that girl MH was frenching and turned gay

Last night I saw the link to the video and everyone was talking about how he kissed his boyfriend on national TV. I went to watch completely unaware that this video was actually a tearjerker where I got to watch a grown man break into sobs. The kissing is such a small part of the whole video. It was the tears, the

cue the mouthbreathers saying: "And why is this news??"