Curry Hicks Sage

I feel for your pain. And I’m going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, but ... he wasn’t the entire country’s father.

I know everyone hates Wikileaks, but if you haven’t, read the Podesta emails, specifically Mook’s. Her whole staff is like Mook. Shifty pieces of shit looking to game the system.

I forgive you.

We told you so.

You know I usually don’t hate on a pig for rolling in shit, but teaming up with Lewandowski is just—come fucking on!

Yep. Isn’t it amazing that the mythical world all of these people want to return to had a 90% tax bracket, 40% union participation rate while the U.S. enjoyed the most robust economy in the world by an order of magnitude?

Anyone that has read Barstool or has grazed through the comment section will see that she’s just pandering to the audience. The founder of the company is a Jew and the majority of jokes towards him relate to him being Jewish. If she wasn’t an established reporter, you wouldn’t even be talking about this, it literally

Klinsmann: Looks like a decent left back to me.

Can’t believe he’s been at that job for a month and Kyle already has floor seats.

When you realize you get snacks even if you lose

Man they’re gonna get smoked this year.

Indianapolis native Jason Whitlock was dismayed to discover that the jerseys were not, in fact, marinated in hickory.

If you think this is dumb, just wait until Sam Hinkie releases the Constitutional Convention outfits for the Sixers to wear this season.

At least now they’ll have an excuse when they only score 42 points.

Yeah but Franken did it and succeeded despite a back catalog of even more vitriolic material.

PFTCommenter is the most brilliant account on Twitter, with MomsAgainstGaming a very close second.

He gave this exclusive to Referee? Looks like Modern Umpire really pissed him off when they didn't name him first team all-infield crew.

Youuuuuuure OUT!!!

Love is truly blind.