Curry Hicks Sage

This was the touching scene as they demonstrated to the Make-A-Wish kids in attendance that they should never stop fighting.

Grew up in Urbana, Ill.; graduated from Northwestern. Rooting interests: Illinois basketball, Chicago Bulls, Chicago Bears, Oakland A's (quit the Cubs after '03; was living in SF at the time and adopted the only tolerable team in the vicinity). Least favorites: Duke, St. Louis Cardinals—all the obvious ones, really,…

Once I told my boss that I couldn't work because of a funeral, when in fact I went to play some ice hockey. Showed up in the ER in full gear after getting injured on the ice. My boss was there with her son. Got fired.

Why must old men wear their pants and penises up under their armpits?

It's a tale as old as time.

In the sense that she weighs 260 and doesn't have a true position?

I get it. They were both considered famous defensive ends in SEC states and probably lost millions as a result of their recently revealed lifestyles.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I was in prison, isolation would be ideal.

Ahhhhh. Stereotypes are only valid when they're made about the South.

Of course this asshole lives in Arizona.

Since all of the swings connected, police confirmed that no Marlins are suspects.

I assume the people responsible redshirted the car because they don't expect it to start.

NFL: "Nigger" is a bad word that drags us back to the days of slavery. Now step on this scale and run the 40 yard dash so we can measure your physical attributes and let rich white men decide where you get to live and work.

What's secondly?

a hacker is sending out tweets from my account - @elkpga

At least Raymond Felton turned himself in before he could take any shots.

After all these years, he's leaving one major accomplishment unfulfilled: co-authoring a bill with Arkansas rep. Robert Berry that could become known as the Dingell-Berry Act.

Gays are still less than people in most parts of this country and the rest of the world.

What an abomination.