Curry Hicks Sage

Haven't seen this many Miami pros and cons since the last Dolphins-Hurricanes scrimmage.

Went on a few dates. Kinda hit it off a little bit. Ended up sleeping together on the third date or something like that. Long enough that we could be considered "dating".

Sounds like the only college football player who was afraid to come out of the closet was Craig James' kid.

I have no issue with a player coming out and good for him. But the media doesn't get it.

I see that Donte Stallworth was ripped for his DUI manslaughter, but separate from that, he actually did a great job on Twitter yesterday taking a huge shit on the "Michael Sam will be a distraction" crowd. Of course, it's completely separate from the fact that he killed a guy, but in this other context, it was

Holly: "Thomas, it's been so difficult to beat Kansas, how did you do it in overtime tonight?"

But what if we don't want her?

I have two kids with birthdays coming up and as much as I would like to sidestep the Birthday-Industrial Complex,

You know, good for you and all, but your anecdotal evidence means nothing to anyone else. No need to generalize your personal experience to the rest of the world.

Creighton came out as on fire as a team can be, and stayed hot until the end. Villanova came out flat and couldn't do anything about Wragge. The visitors needed to make a statement after losing to Providence, and they did so, quite convincingly. Credit where it's due.

So you choose to be oblivious or apathetic about issues involving class and race intertwining with sports. You want to not care about important real life issues. Seriously?

Talented, Arrogant and Plaque

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think people calling Sherman nigger and monkey is about race.