
Drinking too much Guinness and producing a solid black mass is certainly an authentic Boston experience.

That’s why we have the rhyme, Skipskatte:

In season 2 they chase a Freedom Trail-themed serial killer. Sonuvabitch drowned his first victim in a tea crate he dumped in the haahbah.

The killer’s motive is clear: He’s tearing them apaaaht.”

Curd?! You hater, I’ll-

Counterpoint: I always review the middle first on my YouTube donut review channel CurMUNCHahideenReactz.

Now and forever, the ‘CK’ stands for ‘Cock Knuckler’.

If they’re doing a stealth sequel to Se7en in the Frozen universe, they need to get Bill Watterson out of retirement and working on the concept art.

Answering all those origin questions fans had after the first film, Disney proudly presents Frozen 2: How’d It Get Frozen? How’d It Get FROZEN? HOW’D IT GET FROZEN?

Now I’m seeing double - four Florida Mans!

I choose to remain optimistic and hope for massive simultaneous heart attacks among his elderly, overexcited Tory voters next time he makes a reference to ‘lead in our pencil’ during a stump speech.

If Boris Johnson becomes PM, Larry will have some competition at No 10 when it comes to lazing around doing fuck-all, demanding food and constant attention.

À la recherche de gros culs.

Petition: We, the fans, demand that Seth Meyers remake this segment and have himself and Leslie hate the finale for all the completely objective reasons listed on my YouTube channel (like and subscribe).

And in the eventual sequel series, their tall redhead daughter can be played by Karen Gillan. Make this happen, Hollywood dream factory!

America has been steadily reducing its reliance on foreign hot takes for years now.

Celebrities can help to move the Overton window, though. Groups outside the mainstream love to claim that “we’ve got ___ on our side”, giving them some reflected fame and legitimacy. Look at Jenny McCarthy and the anti-vaxxers.

The problem is that Morrissey is using his legacy and the platform it gives him to promote some absolutely vile people who are doing real harm to Britain. There’s been a massive spike in racist crimes since 2016 - people being shouted at in the street, having headscarfs ripped off, being beaten, being murdered. There’s

If 4channers are now forced to buy tickets for the movies they want to review bomb, can we expect a new genre of trollbait movies designed to attract them? Burning cinema tickets’ could become the new ‘burning my expensive Nikes’, if the film in question was Admiral Holdo: A Star SJWars Story.

Okay, let’s once again consult the wikiHow titled: How To Deal With It When A Controversial Musical Genius Starts Promoting Far-Right Political Ideas That Dehumanise Entire Races And Religions: