
“This is an incredibly powerful story and one for which finding the perfect home was imperative to its success.”

It's the disappointing over-the-top dynasty that took place near the end of Season Three.

Don't worry, they thought of that. The password will be a string of numbers which you'll get tattooed on your arm.

Maybe, but poll numbers are notoriously unreliable these days.

National Registry of White Males

I see where you're coming from, but you can't just be paralysed by the narrative you predict your enemies will run with. Yes, protests will often have a violent fringe that grabs all the headlines. No, that doesn't mean peaceful people of conscience should stop protesting out of fear or embarrassment.

I have to disagree that people shouldn't bother protesting if they don't think it can have immediate, concrete effects. One of the most important functions of public protest is to put on the record the fact that, at this time and place, a lot of people were Not Okay with what was going on. Whether or not this has a

"Why do you not finish your brunost?"

Every day of President-Elect Trump has brought its own fresh hell.

People that have died 10 years ago are still running for President. Sad!

A Complex sneaker?

The progressive dream may be dead, but we can still have some wacky hijinks with the corpse!

If we were Paolo Coelho, we'd be halfway done with our next book already.

RIP Pope Jeremy Irons.

You can do anything if you believe in yourself.

Not to sound all Daily Mail ('Bloated Beeb Spunks Away YOUR Licence Fee'), but someone really needs to slash this show's Incidental Music budget. It's laid on with a trowel here, especially around 0.19.

Giuliani will be Secretary of Just Standing In The Same Room As The President To Make Him Look Less Crazy.

Coelho, a dime-store philosopher whose work is beloved by those who find motivational posters motivating

Hey everybody, this old-timer thinks 'copy editors' are still a thing!

There's a chance Trump is just playing him off Mitt Romney, given their long-running beef since the AMAs.