
What America needs is multiple evils to better reflect the diversity of 21st-century public opinion. The polarised two-evil system is clearly failing at this point.

He and Solo dug Kyber crystals together.

How To Buy Friends and Cretinize People.

And that the fight scene from the hugely disappointing Batman V Superman is mentioned in every obituary, compounding the humiliation.

Rebranding PBS to be classier and huger will be one of Trump's first moves as President.

Having A Sexual Relationship With Me: The Roger Ailes Guide to Business Success and Happiness.

An as he raises it in his spindly robot arms, he will intone:

The high point was definitely Herzog himself intoning: "Beautiful. Do you luff it?"

Yeah, and Robots Three and Five got caught in that hotel room with a Roomba.

First, they came for the car factory workers, and I said nothing, because I didn't work in a car factory.

Stamos is a compulsive masturbator who took 'The Stranger' too far, sitting on his old hand until it went septic. Will history repeat itself?

If you're surprised that this movie is getting a sequel, you obviously haven't heard of a little thing called THE INSIDIOUS LIBERAL WAR ON CHRISTMAS.

I also loved her work as that little girl in the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony.

This sounds like the kind of online chatter that will get you on a database somewhere.

What about them Duke boys? Still up to no good?

It starts with Jason Mewes in a rocking chair, explaining what a 'mall' is to some kids who are ignoring him and catching Pokemon.

They can cut down on location shooting costs by realistically having the younger generation of mallrats do all their shopping online.

How about some stealth mechanics that allow me to avoid combat by scuttling through vents, or sneak around headjacking successive enemies until a room is just full of decapitated bodies? Better yet, let me imitate them with some kind of crude disguise and infiltrate their lines, so long as they don't look too closely

On the nostalgia TV shows of the future, people will talk about 'facts' with the same kind of amused condescension that we have for dial-up internet. Oh man, yeah - facts! Evidence! Remember how clunky and unreliable they were?

The log was a less wooden co-star than Kit Harington.