
Well, having a Russian along did emphasise the glorious space future of peace and world unity Roddenberry was all about. But maybe the funny accent did go some way to undermine that good will.

I predict that Chekov will be replaced with a new Chinese crew member, preserving the Enterprise's international diversity and helping with that sweet, sweet Asian market penetration.

If that "George, you can type this shit, but you sure can't say it" story from the making of Star Wars is true, maybe Harrison Ford saw the scene and felt a kinship.

According to '90s UFO lore, the aliens are actually inside Uranus.

But the world scorns them, having grown tired of Fantastic Four reboots.

Meanwhile, Mega Bloks have vowed to put a little plastic man on the moon by 2040.

If they go down the serious psychological drama route, I'd like to suggest the title We All Scream.

Wait, are we still talking about Davves?

You know what might be useful for keeping racists, homophobes and Trump supporters out of your gigs?

I'm afraid the Leave camp rowed back on that promise the morning after the vote, along with the pledge that Brexit would make your hair grow back, make your wife love you again and get Clarkson back on Top Gear.

Source Code and its last five-ish minutes. [Spoilers, obviously.] It's been a few years since I saw it, but I definitely remember wishing they had gone with a more satisfyingly dramatic, sacrificial ending rather than spinning out some technical gobbledygook to give Jake Gyllenhaal a happy ending.

I think it's trying to represent Three-Eyed Raven Vision, which sees the world in at least seven dimensions..

"Game of Thrones shows us that warfare can be shocking, indiscriminate and have no regard for the division between civilian and soldier. Uh, in the Middle Ages, that is. Those crazy, barbaric Middle Ages."

Obama tries, fails to name everyone who has died on Game Of Thrones in drone strikes.

'Visual imagination' doesn't just mean McQuarrie-esque production design, though - you need to do something with the world you create, not just let it sit there like a matte painting in establishing shots while some spaceships land or take off. With a few honourable exceptions (pod-racing, Sith opening battle), that

True enough. Nobody had ever made films like them before, and no-one is likely to imitate them, all for good reason.

I'd tentatively agree with him up to the point that he says 'George's six films'. Because, contrarian AVC For Our Consideration pieces notwithstanding, those prequels will always be terrible in almost every way.

It's so dense, every frame has so much innovative visual imagination going on in it.

"When I shout 'Dracarys', I feel like I should be shouting it so hard that all my clothes pop off. No? You're shaking your head. Just think about it."

Incidentally, this is also why Cranston turned down the role of Daenerys Targaryen.