Curly Jefferson

Cold Roses is great too, if overlong.

Yeah he seemed pretty chill for a while, but here's the thing I noticed about him: even after getting clean and sober he never really seemed to admit his failings. He never REALLY said "oh yeah fuck I was a dick wasn't I? sorry" he was always like, "yeah maybe I said some things I shouldn't have but a lot of that was

err yeah they're not really. they're power pop. the rest are more or less accurate.

I mean it's not no reason, although the reasons are like a dozen years old. Casablancas blamed Adams for getting Hammond Jr. hooked on heroin. There's a lot of discussion of this in the book and everyone but Julian (and including Hammond Jr) is pretty much like, "yeah he was gonna get hooked on it one way or another,

he's creative director for the Tretorn sneaker company.

Orth was great on Veep two seasons ago, but **spoiler** unfortunately his character got fired pretty early on.

Season 2 showed how important setting is to Pizzolatto's writing. He based the city on a real place, but it didn't feel like a real place, it felt like a movie place. South Louisiana in season 1 felt real. Apparently he originally set it in Arkansas but tax credits dictated the location be moved to

Agreed. I read the pilot script, and while it's good and very close to what ended up on screen, Fukunaga definitely did some pruning and editing, particularly paring down some of the dialogue. Pizzolatto needs someone to rein him in, not let him run wild.

yeah, basically every major Aussie actor was on one of two long running Australian soap operas at some point—Neighbours and Home and Away…

There actually was come to think of it. Many of the late 90s/early '00s big budget action movies were shot there. But, weirdly, I don't think the majority of the Australian stars started out in any Australia filmed Hollywood productions. Granted, a few (Eric Bana, Russell Crowe) made a splash with Australian movies

It is a strange phenomenon.
Tangentially, I'm fascinated as to how a country like Australia, with a population the size of Texas, can produce so fucking many Hollywood stars.

I propose a moratorium on shaky cam cinematography, especially from filmmakers who are experts at creating brilliant, beautiful shots.

She did date Prince, so I'd imagine she was used to it

Hmm we could pay this guy $100 million or sign some lesser-known/unknown for $2 million what should we do??


I do like that he's put The Nerdist podcast so far down his list of priorities, he now just runs episodes of Talking w/Chris Hardwick as a Nerdist podcast.

I think it's more "the US is good in theory but also it sucks now because lib-ruls—we should have more of what this other flag represents in there"
I also think it's just short hand for "don't fuck with me"

I think Jason Segel actually pitched that to the HIMYM writers…or at least, that the dad was telling the story to keep the children's minds off the fact that they were living in a zombie apocalypse and would finally get eaten in the last episode.

…you should probably steer clear of the Dark Tower series

I think the plan is to have a part II, right?