Curly Jefferson

For sure, but this may have been the first instance of that phenomenon

I've seen her in stuff since and she was much better. She may have been trynig to do some sort of elevated old film noir acting and it just didn't work. She starred in that The Spitfire Grill movie I remember hearing about non-stop when it came out because Castle Rock had purchased it at Sundance for $10 million, the

When did Charlotte overtake Jacksonville?

The lead actress was sooooo bad. Like Hallmark movie bad.

Didn't someone on this very site write a cool piece on that scene? Oh wait, maybe that was The Dissolve.

"Good luck with the rest of the shoot!"

It seemed like something straight out of Stella. The videos more than the show.

That could describe all of Niccol's work. Thank god Peter Weir took The Truman Show from him.

I think part of that is also satirizing that '90s gen-x comedies, which often had one or more love triangles going on.

I'd argue that Plaza's pivot to playing the hot girl produced very desirable results

She's dating Aronofsky who is about the same age as Bardem

Ha! I didn't even think of that connection but I have definitely made the same complaint about Season 4.

I agree. I think They Came Together had other problems other than just not being Wet Hot. Even Wain has said he wasn't very happy with it. But something new involving Showalter/Wain/Black and the people who haven't gotten too big to participate on a regular basis would be welcome. But like Wain says, Showalter is

I thought the plot hindered it, but I understand it needs a forward momentum. Just thought it was maybe a little TOO absurd this time around.

Are they? Damn. Glad I still have my DVD. I found one on Vimeo the other day trying to remember which one the "jelly remover for photo album" reference in 10YL came from.

Yeah, that's just not how a show should be made. If you can't get everyone (or at least most people) on the same page, just don't do it or wait until you can (which I realize may be never). It seems really wrongheaded to just piece it together based on schedules.

Less about the actual structure of writing a movie—he actually taught screenwriting at NYU's grad program—and more about his sense of humor and what he thinks is funny not being in line with the masses.

It bummed me out to hear Showalter on Michael Ian Black's podcast talking about how affected he was by the poor reception of Stella and Wet Hot. It seems like it really changed his whole thinking about how he approached writing for mass audiences.

I actually thought it had something to do with Beth being so "wealthy" now that she was able to turn Mitch back into a person but apparently I'm the only one that thought that