Curly Jefferson

Right, but my initial point was more that they weren't A-list stars, they were still at the "successful indie actor" level and therefore cheap and added credibility. They'd come out of nowhere and, depending on when they were actually cast, Bruckenheimer/Bay may have gotten them just before they blew up. Obviously

He was in Heat too, but also a small part

Another favorite. That may be the most ridiculous "choice" a guy has ever had to make in a feature film: Lori Loughlin or Kelly Preston.

Yeah, I always took it as they were both willing to change (only superficially, really) if that was what it took to be together.

Mischief is better than both! Good God, Kelly Preston………………

The supporting cast, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton, Owen Wilson, Steve Buscemi— all indie actors who'd just broken.

Yeah, that was the beginning of the end. He did some good stuff until 2009 or so and then it was just bomb after bomb after bomb. Maybe he realized he'd rather be on his private island than kissing fish in a Terry Gilliam movie that wasn't even going to get finished.

Yeah, i think you generally have to be a person of strong vision for your career to turn down those checks (and maybe have managers/agents who share your vision). I think Depp must have gone in with the "one for them," mentality, thinking he'd be set for life and use that to get more artistic, filmmaker projects going

That was a big thing in the '90s particularly. I guess they were a) cheaper than A-listers and b) gave some "cred" to the project. Bruckheimer seemed to like throwing in indie actors. The entire cast of Armageddon except for Willis is basically just a slew of indie actors. But an ensemble like that seems safer than

No way Weisenheimer is an actual parent

My wife was the same way. Her dad was a pescatarian but occasionally made steak for the family and guests and made it well-done every time. We went to a nice local steakhouse when we were dating and I had to beg her to try the medium rare steak (and beg her not to ask for A1). She loved it.

Hollywood has a way of saying "you were good in these indies, let's make a vehicle for you that in no way plays to your strengths, nor is it even good" and then cutting you loose when it bombs.

I saw it in theaters too. I told my friends it was cause I heard Jewel got topless (she just breastfeeds a baby), but really it was cause I was a fan of The Ice Storm (I was 15).

Probably means their assistant editor. They've had a couple, one of whom was Ethan's wife. The other is a guy named David Diliberto.

Either way, probably safe to say there's some shady shit going on and at the very least, maybe this piece will spur an actual police investigation.

I would assume these laws were made in the first part of the 20th century (or earlier) when marriage was far more necessary for a family's financial survival and when 15 year olds had done a lot more living than today's 15 year olds. Just talking out of my ass though.

I remember Alien vs. Predator being their big game, but I don't think anything else ever came close. I think they marketed it as the first 64 bit but there was some question as to whether that was legitimate. Ebay prices range from $250 (used)-600 (new, in box) or so. Not cheap but not "NO ONE CAN PLAY IT" expensive.

I don't think he ever got that one. I think it kinda crashed and burned before he got his hands on one. I remember playing 3DO at some electronics store and not enjoying it.

I had a (very spoiled) friend growing up who had every '80s-'90s era gaming console, including the Atari Jaguar. He would never let me play it as he insisted it sucked. But I wanted to! I wanted to "do the math"!