Curly Jefferson

actually good to hear cause the trailer made it look like 2 hours of extreme war movie violence which I wasn't sure I was in the mood for.

to be fair, I think we all felt a lot more sympathetic to him when we found out how horrifically tragic his young life was.

Maybe, but that probably has more to do with not embarrassing whoever made that decision by acknowledging it's a piece of shit.

Gotta be some sort of branding thing. Like, "look at us, we ONLY make great, award winning shows. Arli$$? I'm sorry I don't think I can continue having this conversation."

Ohhhh man, that's right, I remember that too. I think even Felicity showed her boobs once.

I remember some Eric Stolz/Felicity Huffman show on Showtime in the early 00s where they were married screenwriting partners who were both cheating on each other. It was a dramedy and kind of intense as I think it was based on the creators' lives. Don't think they made a second season.

"Welcome to planet mars! I'll be over in my spaceship." I used to quote that one any time someone said anything resembling "call me old fashioned."
Also: "Call me old fashioned but…I think fire is magic and it scares me a lot."

Monkey Torture is great, too, although it reminds me how far Michael Ian Black has come in the years since. In The State he sometimes falls back on a Jim Carrey-esque style that was very in vogue at the time. I do love his "I changed my name because I'm ashamed of my Judaism" bit.

It sucks but his character in the original was stick skinny and wore very tight and short '70s clothes, so he didn't have much of a chance.

Captain Monterey Jack always made me laugh

Ugh I've never seen it and now I suspect I never will. I actually haven't even watched the WHAS series cause I'm afraid it'll ruin the movie for me.

my favorite Showalter is still the Stella shorts but The Baxter is great and underrated. Tone threw me the first time, but great on subsequent viewings.

Indeed! Moved here a couple of years ago from New Orleans. It's my wife's hometown.

Nice! Will check it out. Haven't gotten down to Gov't Street since it's become cool

Same. I've had them almost exclusively in New Orleans and never had one with absinthe.

she looked really cute in Good Will Hunting when I saw it on cable the other night, so I'm okay with that

That was my feeling as well. The references to "someone who thinks they're helping" seem to suggest that. But they may not be certain of that and are having to cover all the bases.

Exactly. The Miller/Lord situation is more apt than Raimi. Having the project you've developed given to someone else has gotta hurt. He seems more wounded than bitter to me.

She's also probably getting paid more than the entirety of the show's budget. Probably not a great idea to invest millions in someone liberals already don't like and conservatives have turned on.

interesting concept, terrible execution. it started life as a musical and still feels like half a musical. Spielberg should have just made a live action Peter Pan movie.
but yeah I was obsessed with it as a kid. still, we don't have to pretend it was good or nostalgia of this kind is at all necessary.