Curly Jefferson

Trump knows egress. Birds! He had so many egress at Mar A Lago it'd make your head spin…until, you know, they killed their natural habitat with all the development.

Rarely can a father be "too old." Just ask Mick Jagger's infant son, or his infant great grand son who were born within a few months of each other.

I think he has it in him to dial the mania down. He's certainly the only name that's been bandied about in recent years (Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis among them) who could pull off that type of person and make it believable. And he's already fat!

I remember reading a Premiere Magazine article about the making of American Psycho that painted Leto as a dick back in 1999! I remember he refused to read with the other actors if he wasn't on camera. The article made a point of noting that Bale read with every actor even when he wasn't on camera. This dude was only a

Yeah, she wasn't diplomatic in the least. That was a very public, very big FU to producers.

Which is even sad considering they were friends and comedy partners for years before the show

Very possibly. It's also bigger than the other schools (at least at the undergrad level) and therefore accepts more students so it's easier to get into relative to the other Ivys. This probably has the effect of making it appear less prestigious. It's all rooted in snobbery however you slice it.

Oh he's miffed, baby! He's miffin' all over the place! (please read this as George Costanza shouting)

Yeah, not saying it deserves that reputation at all, but that is something you hear from other Ivy Leaguers, and I've even heard that in other TV shows (no doubt staffed by Harvard folks). It wouldn't surprise me if it's one of those things that began 100 years ago and no one is even quite sure why they slag on it,

Haven't watched more than an ep or 2 of Broad City but Cornell is often ridiculed by other Ivy Leaguers as being the least of the Ivys. Not sure why or how, I assume it's a tradition at like how slagging Yale is a Harvard tradition.

He claims his whole career is sort of performance art and Yogi Bear 3D is a big part of that, so I think it's both ironic AND sincere?

These interviews make me think he's miffed that this is his most beloved piece of comedy, and most and it's something he's only acting in. He's not writing it, he didn't create it, it isn't his stand up, it isn't Gorburger or something. It's just a role in a Mike Judge show. And yet it gets way more attention than

For sure Jonah could get into some third-tier, for profit law school/grad program (so many schools rely on students who can pay full tuition). No way in hell he could pass the bar.

Very true. That part seemed like a real criticism. I couldn't tell if the Berg shade was more "fuck Berg" or more verbal sparring but out of mutual respect. I'm leaning towards "fuck Berg" but not entirely certain.

Really hard for me to tell if he's kidding about Berg. Miller is rarely serious for more than 10 seconds at a time in interviews, and the way he goes on about "Crimson trash" seems like a joke, but not sure if it's a joke like, "obviously Alec is smart, that's why we can joke about it!" or "he's not smart because

I think of him as the closeted gay friend of Patrick Bateman who mistakes Patrick's attempt at homicide as a sexual come on.

also major reshoots by Tony Gilroy. like someone said in the Variety piece, Kennedy seems to want the cache that comes from up-and-coming directors, but ultimately doesn't want them to actually be responsible for the final product.

the "Scream" mention tips me off that it's a bit

Have to assume Johnny Depp's presence was a huge part of that.

I found that one hugely disappointing. Maybe Smith needed Judd Apatow as producer instead of just trying to do his own Apatow movie.