Curly Jefferson

She did say "equally" which doesn't discount any of those movies, just that the kids and Sofia don't like them the same amount.

No, that would've been better than Zoolander No. 2.

Erlich is the type who would see that joke, laugh at it, and then turn around and do it for real.

I heard him in some interview and yeah, he seemed very boring and I remember his wife was his publicist and he kept throwing to her for questions like he was afraid of stepping out of bounds, even for stuff that seemed tame.

Right. I think Knocked Up was where Apatow really started letting loose, just letting the riffs play out, whether it was Jonah mocking Martin's beard with "You look like (insert funny joke)" or Rudd and Rogen on shrooms freaking out for ten minutes. There were a lot of funny lines, but it also makes the movie feel

Its improv was done correctly. Brand, Hill, Hader, Rudd, etc. all had a lot of improvs, but it seemed well edited to only the lines that made sense in context of the scene. There was very little "riffing" where some dude just went on and on and on while the other person just sat there until they were done—I always

Not a classic like Hook or Secret of the Ooze, mind you…but good.

Is the Coneheads movie not as good as I remember? Obviously not an *original* idea but he did write it and my 10 year old self enjoyed it.

The weird thing is, Apatow seems aware of this flaw in his films but continues to do it.

This is exactly where I'm at. Someone like Edgar Wright probably could have directed the same cast and made a brilliant Ghostbusters movie (and I'm not an Edgar Wright fanboy).

Trainwreck felt like binging an entire season of a show.

I remember the first time I saw him on Conan he was acting so crazy I thought he might be some headcase Wack Packer type. Now the promo material seems to be highlighting him as almost a sexy dude?

Right. I mean these people saw each other seemingly on a daily basis for 10 years, half of them lived within mere feet of each other for the same length of time, and didn't seem to have many other friends outside the group, so it doesn't seem that much of a stretch that they'd still be close into their 40s.

Wouldn't be that odd though in this case. Ross and Monica are siblings. Ross and Rachel have a child together and supposedly remarried each other. Chandler and Monica were married with children. Really only Phoebe and Joey are the outliers. Plus the point of the Big Chill is they hadn't all remained good friends since

Oh god the sex scene with Goose's daughter will be scored to a terrible remake of "Take My Breath Away" won't it?

Pretty sure at that stage Andy was like, "come to NC and film me and it has to take no more than 45 minutes or else count me out" (although he did appear in Daddy & Them, but maybe he just liked those people)

That's fair. It was awesome to see him, but the man always left me wanting more.

Yeah, I remember seeing it as a teen and even then I felt beat over the head with the metaphor. Also thought it was weird everyone was totes cool with Reese staying there. Also, not enough Don Knotts.

Did Goose have a daughter? Sorry but you know someone has considered it in a story meeting

This actually sounds better than the ads suggested. Still not good mind you, but the ads made it look like a Ben Stiller Show-esque parody of a show about the '70s Comedy Store.