Curly Jefferson

No, no, "clyts." Wait.

Agreed. I also doubt they could have attracted the A-list (and, ok, B-list) talent that the original show did.

You sure? I've never heard him mention it

And Riley Keough is Elvis's granddaughter!

Soderbergh spent much of his life in Baton Rouge, even moving back there in the '90s during his "down" period (he made Schizopolis and the Spalding Gray film there). Many character actors that appear in his movies (particularly the earlier ones) come out of the LSU theater program. Having lived in Baton Rouge, I'd say

Wasn't he in one of the Transformers movies too?

I don't think that's quite what Schneider was doing when he left, I think that was a mutual "this character sucks, you hate him, I hate him, the audience hates him, let's end this"

He played with them on SNL when Petty was promoting Wildflowers. I think that was his first public appearance post-Kurt's death.

I remember when it came out there was a lot about how they'd recorded a full album or more of material and discarded it, then made this album. I always wondered whether the first album might have been better.

Ain't That Unusual is a damn good song

Right, I got that part, but it seemed like they could have leaned into that a little more, particularly in that scene. Clearly Crudup was disturbed by David and knew he was hiding something; seems like they should have either built up that Crudup didn't see him as any more than a subservient computer or made David act

That movie was fun though. Didn't take itself too terribly seriously.

I thought the same thing. I think I read something that they were going to have Merlin in it but decided to hold him back for one of the six sequels (I can't even say that without wanting to lol).

I'm not sure why they seem determined to make Arthur into an action movie with fantasy elements instead of a fantasy movie with action-y elements. Give the people Merlin, for chrissakes. They want a fucking wizard doing fucking magic already.

Yeah, it seems like it's become short hand for "pre-existing property" and no one is thinking about the legal term.

Hopefully you give a shit when the NEXT Robin Hood movie comes out in 2018 with Jamie Foxx as Little John and no this is not a joke.

It was a quote from the episode. But I do appreciate that. Sincerely!

I was hoping Jordan Peele would cameo as the dad

What does "weird energy" even mean?!

I don't think David is too concerned about sacrificing one xenomorph if it meant earning their trust. He's playing the long game. I'm not saying this is brilliant writing but his motivation makes some sense in that context.
Eh, I felt some dread for the characters waiting for them to figure out it was David. Maybe I'm