Curd Bergerson

You echo a lot of my recent thoughts. I agree, Trump isn’t a Nazi, but he’s still a monster. One thing I would say is that, although Trump isn’t Hitler, the kind of people who support Trump ARE the kind of people who supported Hitler. And the consequences of Trump’s reign may be just as dire.

Wait, what? The plane must “move relative to ambient air” to generate lift. But the ambient air ISN’T MOVING relative to the plane. The plane is stationary with respect to everything around it other than the treadmill. So, if the plane isn’t in a wind tunnel, there would be thrust but no lift. Unless the jet engines

I’m sorry to have to admit this, but HRC’s voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. As a man, I’m sure I have some sexist tendencies rattling around in my brain, but on a misogyny scale from Gloria Steinem to Donald Trump, I’d say I’m much closer to Ms. Steinem.

The promotional code for the Böhm sound bar does not work (for me at least). Sold out?

The promotional code for the Böhm sound bar does not work (for me at least). Sold out?

Keeping us from ignorance is entirely different from turning this shit into a media event (e.g. the sickening circus that San Bernardino has become).

Another crazy Denny’s story:

Unrelated, but it looks like some a-hole is trolling the Metacritic User Scores for F4. Knightmare725 describes how he/she figured this out in his XBONE review.

I guess I'm REALLY slow. 397 hours. Glad I played it, unlikely to ever play it again.

People make choices based on the information they receive and their individual biases. You can fault WI voters for the latter, but, for a lot of people, the former was a barrage of disingenuous and just plain false commercials paid for by the KochBros and their ilk.

Ah crap, I'm originally from Milwaukee, and now I'll never again be able to comfortably use one of my favorite local words: "bubbler". Which is what you heathens would call a "water fountain".

An aside, but, from what I understand, was actually fucked by a private firm that was tasked with its creation. Similar web sites and services actually created by government agencies in Europe have worked just fine.