
Everywhere Elon goes, there should be a crowd chanting “fuck Elon Musk.”

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Imagine the disastrous effect on the surrounding area that mirrored walls of that size would have. Not to mention the inherent environmental disaster that comes from a fragmented landscape.

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If it ever does get built, it’s going to be an environmental disaster, as well as a horrible situation for the workers that have to serve the elites who live there. And of course, a complete boondoggle.

It’s at death’s door, Elvis may not have even used it, and it would take a fortune to make it fly again.

So it’s going to be Mario Kart.

You’re right, eventually we need to be producing all our energy from completely carbon-free sources, wind, hydro, solar, HTGR reactors, hopefully fusion.

Yup, I missed that even after a couple re-reads. Still, that’s not going to solve anything. Tidal and wind power won’t be viable as a cost-efficient way to extract hydrogen for decades. Nuclear is viable today.

Yeah, the title is pretty poorly done, wish it didn’t look so clickbaity.

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For the production of hydrogen to be green, it has to be produced using nuclear power. Specifically, using an HTGR reactor - something that’s only now coming online in Japan. Confusingly, that kind of “green” technology is called “red hydrogen.”

RedViking has already done away with conveyor belts, and without the need to have the complexity of EVs driving themselves around the factory.

Did the designer of the Youabian Puma get a job at De Tomaso?

Because it’s funny.

As a Christian, I think it’s wonderful when someone says “Eid Mubarak,” “have a happy Diwali,” “shana tova,” or anything else on the appropriate holiday. I’m like, wow, thank you for including me in your celebrations!

That Porsche is purple.

Is Mitt Romney going to comment in this thread?

Show me on the doll where the Yugo touched you.

It’s a grille.

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I guess his song “Daddy Issues” is even creepier than ever now

I don’t usually bother responding to weak-sauce comments like this, but man, you sound like you’ve got a sad, sad life.

You sound exactly like a “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” MAGAt.