
Try following car news, you’d know all about them.

Good Lords, that thing is ugly.

It’s been 13 years, and it still looks like a crappy videogame cutscene.

Thank you! I had a first gen Mazda3 and loved everything about it. Maybe it’s time to get another.

Musk also thinks subways are impervious to weather, and you can get rid of traffic by funneling it through narrow tubes.

What’s the AWD system like on various surfaces, like sand, mud, snow, and ice?

Why make a yoke at all?

I would actually buy the hell out of that

If it’s an electric Maverick, Dearborn can have my money right now.

Lucid is not small. They’re a fifteen year old company with billions in funding.

Counterpoint: when did things like this happen with Saturn?

When did spending $180k on a car make you a better driver?

The average driver should never have over a thousand horsepower available to them. They can barely handle remembering to use their turn signals.

If a tip is entered beforehand, that’s not a tip. That’s a delivery fee.

Uber and Lyft seemed to raise prices with surge fares as people tried to flee the area

The driverless vehicle stopped, then tried to find a better place to stop a little further up the road, where it would be safer for a traffic stop to take place.

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If they only have to build one or even a handful of Canoos, then it’s a realistic ask.

Thank you - just got 3 years at half price.

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OMG, I literally had the Frogger music running through my head the moment that happened.

Damnit, I thought Kristen was back at Jalopnik!