
Hold my beer.

The future of cars is aimed at people who’d rather be anywhere else rather than in a car.

Sounds like you’re more thoughtful about your car and your wallet than most Americans.

He did say that, and many worse things besides.

Yeah, he’s racist.

Fucking right-wingers, convinced that nothing’s racist unless someone’s burning a cross and shouting the n-word through a bullhorn.

A Celica GT, of course.

And yet, after using Pandora for about 15 years, it still can’t understand why I like Minor Threat but I don’t want to hear Green Day.

As someone who has been an editor professionally, and a grammar lover myself, I feel qualified in saying you’re being pedantic and dull. The sentence reads perfectly in its intended context—a casual, enjoyable blog where people sometimes write in the same voice with which they speak. 

Sticking a giant screen in the middle of the car is not minimalist design. The clutter is all still there, it’s just gathered into one flat rectangle that requires you to poke around looking for things.

“Better interior” is about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say about a Model 3.

Smugness leads to self-satisfaction.

“Exact origins” as a question on the census? What the everloving belguim is that nonsense? Are they asking people to list their family tree? This sounds incredibly like some racial phrenology theories mixed in with a dose of “no, where are you really from?”


Thankfully, no pop-up screen either. It’s in the instrument cluster. 

One of the best things about the TT is no giant touchscreen ruining the dash.

Let’s petition them to make the EV-1, Saab’s prototype from 1985:

Seems oddly proportioned

Cool, will it come with Autopilot sleepytime features, too?