
Apparently, a hate crime is either when somebody besmirches the great name and reputation of the police OR when someone says out loud “I’m currently doing a hate crime” while committing said hate crime, but only if that person is sober when they make that proclamation, otherwise the local police department will say

How is that NOT a textbook hate crime? This man destroyed property after specifically threatening the Black man and calling him racial slurs, with no other entanglement. Case closed.

He’s just mad that he can’t virtue signal like a motherfucker to his other white friends.

Oh, STFU you racist ass white people. You moist mofos are worse than humidity.

Crystal Mephistopheles

Great point. I love it when unilingual speakers can’t even properly speak (or in this case write) the ONLY language they know.

Another day, another worthless, soulless European American exposing herself...

When I was in junior high/high school, a teacher pulled me aside to discuss why I didn’t stand during the pledge. He mentioned something about soldiers or some shit; I told him that my father is a Vietnam vet who was drafted along with half of his Black neighborhood, including mentally disabled people, and he had no

I know that there are members of the animal kingdom whose main defense is to burrow into or cover themselves in manure, but I’ve never seen a human being do it before.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that in a reply to a comment about Sanders in a post about Sanders that I had to preface my remarks with my feelings about the evils of Trump and his corrupt administration. I just went with the flow.

How the “the fucking world works” hasn’t worked for most of us.

Hold on there sonnyjim! Please show me a collection of your best comments before you’re allowed to criticize other comments. They’ll have to be top-notch I’m afraid.

We have wildly different ideas of incredible character design.

Did you see tales from the earthsea?

I dunno, sounds like a legitimate criticism because he legitimately didn’t like the film. Maybe if the film was actually good this would have gone down differently.