
This is something that has been on my mind as of late. I am a person of color, half Mexican, half Indian. I have never really held firmly to a single cultural identity, because I was raised in a home with two very different cultures that were both at odds with “American Culture,” and I’ve always gravitated more

Can we just start calling this bullshit what it is? These are not detention centers, these are internment camps. We have full blown fascists in Government, and our nation is following Hitler’s footsteps. But because our cartoon president wears clown shoes, people just laugh and chalk it up to stupidity instead of full

Truth. Don’t be draggin’ all of slightly-wetness down like that! It deserves better than being lumped in with these salt-generates.

What an odd position to be in. At once shedding light on appropriation, intellectual and artistic rip off, while promoting that same appropriation-turned-video.

I would have never known about this mediocre “artist” had I not read this article. Though I guess that’s the age old question isn’t it? Chicken, or egg? Do we

Are his options really that well thought out though? All he did was yell at someone who was in large part agreeing with them, but did not appreciate being told what points of view they held. KC later went on to make the claim that the Bernie supporter blamed black people for losing the election. I read the argument

A one man phalanx is a pretty sad sight

About as glorious as the new Berserk animes...

What’s wrong with banana chips though?

Maybe he’s just a racist? Shocker, I know, some people who just say “racist things” happen to be racist. Stop spouting your “anger is just an emotion, and only the weak of will LET themselves be affected by it” bull shit, and try to understand that hearing people spout hate speech “as a joke” is not OK, ESPECIALLY

It’s always a point of frustration for me to see just how white sci-fi and fantasy is. All of these authors, white as they are, for all of their creativity and ability can’t seem to fathom futures and far flung worlds where people of color stand on equal footing to their protagonists, or hell, are their protagonists.

“It would be comical if it weren’t playing to a very real sentiment: that no matter how high achieving, how much quantifiably better an undocumented student is, they should be denied the ability to advance their education in favor of mediocre white students whose only virtue is being born white and Virginian.”

You dont need the big wall-street money, and normalizing that sort of big money donation culture will only further degrade our political system. Citizens united was a turning point, big money in politics wasn’t AS BIG before then. Now, here you are, saying that campaigning and winning hearts and minds, as Bernie did,

Now we are all getting force-fed by the pussy-grabbing cheetoheaded dictator. So... hurray for acting against self interest I guess. There is no honor in abstaining to participate because you thought the options were poor. All who did not vote thinking, “Trump won’t win.” ensued Trump’s victory. There is no greater

I don’t think Bernie is pro innocent people of color being shot though...

Let us stop and think about that statement for a second... So... Had Bernie been the nominee, a large portion of Trump’s supporters, who let us remember were already the minority vote, would have voted for Bernie Sanders instead?

So you are telling me that having an opponent come to understand your point of view and


That center line on the shorts is kind of awful though.

What... You mean those guys weren’t just a bunch of nice guys being nice?

I don’t know... I think the whole, him being a gorgeous hunk of meat AND a pacifist/ healer is a crucial part of what makes him so compelling. Well, that and them pex.