
I can't hear Gamora's voice in that trailer without seeing Asajj Ventress from Clone Wars in my head.

Oh, and I forgot about Destiny. I'm going to sink a (relatively) large amount of time into that game.

I don't have tons of time for gaming these days but there's lots for me between PS4 and Vita. I haven't played TLOU before so I'll get that for PS4 and I loved GTAV so I'm going to gladly play that again. This fall I've got Assassin's Creed and Dragon Age and then there's a bunch of indie stuff on Vita between now

For sure. I definitely feel as though the Wii U has lots to offer for a lot of people and I think the chances are good that I'll get one at some point.

Holy gross assumptions Batman.

I'll admit, I've had a bit of fun with this. Not in a disingenuous way - I'm sincere in my comments - but it's been fun to see the different reactions and to counter the crazy with rational ideas. It's slowing down now so I've had my fun.

I can see that. I feel a bit of that with the Vita too since it's really not doing great either. As for the Wii U, I'm after E3 there will be lots that will jump on it. I was wading through a thread on NeoGAF asking the same question as this article and there were a lot of people that had already bought systems or

If you're genuinely interested then that's okay but your phrasing seemed a bit antagonistic. Since I got my PS4 I've really enjoyed Resogun, Infamous, Ground Zeroes, Transistor, ACIV among others. I mentioned to someone else that one of the reasons I have a PS4 this early is because I wanted to participate in a

Or I have different taste than you. Crazy concept, isn't it?

Oh and besides, the whole topic is specifically about whether or not this past E3 has inspired a Wii U purchasing decision not about justifying other console purchases. So no, I'm not buying a Wii U anytime soon based on it's current and near future line up. You obviously think differently and I respect that.

I don't have to justify my purchasing decisions to you or anyone else. It's all subjective. I could give you my list of games that I've enjoyed on my PS4 but you've already decided that it's not worth it. You could give me your list of games that make you think the Wii U is worth it but it won't matter because I've

Which may be how it plays out. I just don't know at this point. I had considered a Wii U when Windwaker HD came out but I didn't end up doing it. Now that new Zelda looks super hot so I may end up getting a Wii U if that game lives up to its promise - which it likely will. As I've mentioned before here, I'm in no

"sony pony"? Then you're clearly a whiny Nintendo-manbaby. See, I can make broad, uninformed and sweeping generalizations too.

Classy response sir. You've missed the whole point.

I've answered this same point ten other times. Scroll through and have a look at my other responses.

Well, it all comes down to personal tastes, right? My favorite game so far this year has been Infamous Second Son. And that's not because it's a PS4 exclusive - I just really like third person, story driven action games and that one just hit me in all the right ways. I don't have time to be an omni-gamer, owning

I don't mean to come off as a cheapskate but for a system I will maybe play 2 or 3 games on, it's too much for me to justify spending.

"precious vita". No need to get petty. Yes, I love my Vita. You likely love your Wii U. It's all about personal tastes and preferences and making a judgement call on what you're willing to spend your hard-earned income on. Right now the Wii U isn't worth it to me because the current software lineup doesn't appeal