
Is this the bit where I list all the straight women who cut their hair short in the last 5-10 years?

the Kree warrior who was both the original Captain Marvel and Carol’s love interest—will indeed appear in the film.

Have you tried a Mr. Meseeks?

He’s just Maul now. No Darth, that part of him died a long time ago.

It’s established he has robot legs in the Clone Wars and in Rebels.

I’ve still got my fingers crossed for Ahsoka.

This level of hot take, are you a regular caller into local FM sports talk station?

The Good Place.

I said it before and will say it again: We need a live action Ahsoka movie. Maybe showing her help Luke rebuild the Jedi or surviving before Rebels.

this image alone still gives me chills.

Nah, I thought he was spot on in the role. As FILTHpig remarks, he played both the overconfident Sith and the petulant Skywalker quite well.

No, I think he did a great job.

I thought he was perfect. This fearsome guy in a mask, but when he takes it off, he’s this lanky, dorky manchild with daddy issues.

Based on his Kylo Ren’s interaction with the heroes, perhaps. But based on his interaction with the other villains (and his unique voice) not at all.

I actually thought he was suitably creepy and also really captured that whiny Skywalker vibe.

“Sorry DC fanboys. Yesterday’s rumor that surfaced about Jared Leto being in JUSTICE LEAGUE? Unfortunately, not true.”

Yes to the sentiment if a bit off topic.