
Yay! The internet wins again. Hope we hear from her and find out what the whole story is.

She in not in Heartlight, but that doesn’t mean that she is not being mistreated by her parents now, or that they can’t send her to other center to “cure” her. She is still not 18 and her parents still have custody.

Oh, silly Lizabethie, the fact that conversion therapy doesn’t work and is in fact harmful means nothing. The kind of people who would send their children to a place like this don’t care about science, or empirical evidence of any kind. This place is probably listed as a religious counseling organization, so they can

So... I read this entire story as “Parents, you have to get your kid out of here, because your family is bringing too much heat on us! We just want to keep make money scamming fanatical homophobic suckers like you guys for the long term!” and “It’s OK for us to be known as these bigots in our family, but we don’t want

So glad she is out, but so sad for all the many others who are still forced into these things. They should not even be legal.

I it not weird at ALL that an otherwise healthy woman who just happens to specialize in uncovering cold cases about murderers just died in her sleep unexpectedly? Is anyone looking into this at all?

What are you tassaultking about

Yeah. “Her greatest dream” to cease the only reality that exists? My mom is like this. I ask her doesn’t she want to do this or that with her life, as she’s getting older, to finally “live” to the fullest, the way you should when you only get 1 go at it. She says she doesn’t much care to because she “knows” she’s

This loved one died of a preventable illness because she refused medical advice based on the same preposterous beliefs that govern the existence of heaven. She was killed by stupidity, leaving a child behind. Her responsibility was to be there for her child, and she chose prayer over sound scientific, medical advice.


“Fair-minded?” Like, what does that even mean?

Idk guys, I saw Parker Posey play Jackie Kennedy one time and now I’m not sure I can watch a Jackie Kennedy movie WITHOUT seeing Parker Posey playing Jackie...

This is what happens when everyone is naming their pets Henry and Steve and Charlotte. There are no human names left.

Let’s hope she’s willing and takes it one step further and becomes a cloistered nun.

1) Everything is Chang and nothing hurts.

Yes, but there's something I just irrationally love about using "female henchman." DON'T JUDGE ME!

Is "henchwoman" a word? Can we make it one?

Perhaps my clubbing is a little less frenetic. :(

she must have been forced to wear it then.

Yep, I think the people who know have the dog are either volunteers for the rescue or friends of the rescue. No home check and the pup was sent home with them.