s’ok guys! this reboot turns out to be a false rumor: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Labyrinth-…
s’ok guys! this reboot turns out to be a false rumor: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Labyrinth-…
I loved that movie except for anytime Tori Spelling opened her mouth
I was in the Canadian Navy for three years after high school. After my first year of training I was due to be posted to a big ship. The thought of being trapped at sea with that many men was a terrifying thought given how much sexual harassment I’d endured already. So I switched to officer training in the hopes that…
Errhm, no, not a "classic racist" but mosdef a "classic rapist"!
Holy cinderellas, a pair of these shoes costs A HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. For real!!! http://www.borgezie.com/stiletto/11/75…
The bigger the gun, the smaller the peen.
Re. the update statement: That timeline is rather fishy – they received an online application more than an hour after Torres' voicemail (at 6:03 pm) and then they organized a meet-and-greet that was carried out in the 50 minutes before Torres submitted hers? Why were they doing other "open for business" activities…
Hello Clean Person. I am in awe of you… I wish I could be a Clean Person but I am a lazy pig who lives in squalor. Except the bathtub. No matter how exhausted I am, I will always scrub it down with a magic eraser (melamine foam how I love thee) before having a bath. My question is psychological, an aspect of Clean…
Hey, I know! We should make this a Kickstarter project so we readers can add even more money to the pot, pump up the volume on this megaphone. It's just too important an inquisition to risk failure. Crackstarter 2: Electric Retouched Boogaloo! And then if no one comes forward with the video of Anna Wintour smoking…
There are some holes in this story ;P
Note that this snowoman has also exposed us to a new pubic hair trend… What do we call this? Ring Around the Rosie?
Well the movie is now Actually entertaining with this EPIC Lindy takedown as a commentary track. She should do commentary tracks for real, Actually.
I think we're misreading this. He surely meant to let Ur-Man drive. Ur-Man is a Mesopotamian vampire, the best driver-for-hire Lyft et al. has on roster. Ur-Woman was better but she got tired of the drunks and the bullshit. Anyway Ur-Man is defo the next best thing, he's been driving for nearly 5000 years now in one…
This creeped me out because it's not a random costume, no, not at all. It sends the message that "unconditional" love = submissive, existing to please and serve. Reinforcing not just that stereotype of geishas/Japanese women but also all those tropes about ladies in love. Ugh…
I did not know what a macklemore was until last night. (Yes I've been hiding under a rock for most of the past year … One called Europe.) But I said Brava! when I discovered it spoke out against racial profiling. Had my first encounter been with its rapping, I might have not been as enthused, but not offended. And…
I think it's great. Just wish she would USE IT. (i.e. look up the meaning of "cultural appropriation")
Yes indeed. It just reinforces the whole "you're not allowed to promote yourself or seek attention" bullshit. And if we're not allowed to take selfies, then we have to sit there waiting/hoping for someone else to take a picture, which is far worse in the validation-seeking game. Let's hear it for sisters doin' it for…