LuMAN killed me. I know Carole has said it before, but it will forever be hilarious.
LuMAN killed me. I know Carole has said it before, but it will forever be hilarious.
Poor Dorinda. She really tried.
Timothy Simons is very funny on Twitter too.
This is killing me.
Thank you! I'm all over it!
Let's not forget about Daniel's painfully unfunny joke about masturbating.
As Chris Hardwick would say "Points."
Can we talk about how entertaining UnReal is? When is the new season coming out?
That’s ridiculous. This season has been one entertaining shit show.
I thought Luann said it to Bethenny, no?
I like the roofdeck at Legal's, but the line to get in sucks. That's about it.
Did she Scotch Guard her jeans?
I would watch Haim do a Prince tribute over Madonna any day.
Let's not forget him as Will's (I wanna say firefighter) boyfriend on Will & Grace. I love Rose Byrne as the crazy British pop star in Getting to the Greek. She is hilarious.
My favorite duet <3
I agree, TomPettysHat. Great name btw.
I think she was just stating facts. If Bethenny said she wants nothing to do with her, she means it.
Those were some real crocodile tears Sonja was spilling. She’s such a bullshit artist. If I were Bethenny, I don't think I would've handled it as gracefully.
Bethenny's icy meeting with Sonja was cringe-worthy, but I had respect for Bethenny for putting Sonja in her place, because she obviously knew what she was doing by copycatting that brand of wine. "You can't be dumb and smart at the same time."
I am laughing at my desk right now, thinking of him as "Dorf" walking around on his knees. His father's house burns down, because he can't reach the fire extinguisher.