I watch every Bravo show known to man, and I'm still not getting what VPR stands for. Help?
I watch every Bravo show known to man, and I'm still not getting what VPR stands for. Help?
He couldn't fill her love tank though.
Kim was.
I love Botched. It's such a shit show of bad plastic surgery.
Well, then I eat 75 tangerines a day, and fuck you if you have a problem with my diet. I believe that sugar and vitamin C alone gives me strong bones and a shiny complexion. And if you don't eat 75 tangerines like me, you're unhealthy, hate yourself, and have no respect for your body.
Some of the trainers are pretty cocky from the start, thinking that the weight is going to be easy to lose since they know how to eat healthy and work out. They soon find out it's not.
Exactly. These people gradually gained weight through the course of their lives. It’s not like they were gaining a 100 pounds within months. I imagine that would be the best and healthiest way to lose it as well.
“You can buy a replacement wristband for an idiot fee of $20."
She probably treats her yeast infections by sticking a banana up her bagina.
This is just further proof that Freelee needs therapy for her eating disorder.
I was just reading how one banana has the same sugar content as a slice of cake.
I don’t know how you could eat 51 of anything without puking.
What the fuck?
Truth be told, I would be gagging after the 2nd banana. People with addictive personalities tend to find substitutes to their addictions, such as extreme "healthy" eating. Eating 51 bananas makes you a total nutjob or a gorilla.
51 of anything is bad. I don't care how healthy she thinks it is.
True story: I'm 40 and still shop for summer clothes at Aeropostale.
Nicki needs to get over herself. Even Drake doesn't talk to her anymore. She looks like a miserable person who thinks she's better than everybody else. Her music sucks too.
Bey and Jay are taking their (most likely) exaggerated relationship problems and making a killing off them. The best music is about heartache and pain. And everybody can relate to it. Beyoncé was the album celebrating her marriage and having a child. She knew she had to balance that with “my marriage sucks, my husband…
‘My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.’