That's Lena Dunham's bae.
That's Lena Dunham's bae.
Have you ever seen the slightly soft pornish movie with him and Meg Ryan? OMG WATCH. It's called "In the Cut." MEOWWWW.
Andy Richter is one of my favorite people to follow. He's so smart and funny. He's woke and witty as fuck.
You can't take dance music or Erika Jayne that seriously. They're just guilty pleasures. Pat the puss, girl!
My guess is she has a personal trainer AND an incredible plastic surgeon.
I don't understand why they can't make clothes for women with breasts. I'm a C cup, who usually wears a medium. I had to buy an XL blousy yoga tank that squooshes my bewbs.
As far as I'm concerned, Drunk Uncle wrote this article.
I favorited your post just for that gif.
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes - and weddings.
Guys, women's orgasms are SCARY, okay?
“I say, I say. That boy’s about as sharp as a bowling ball."
There’s nothing more insufferable than a bullshit artist. Not to mention, he’s not a very skilled one, and he’s incredibly pretentious, which is the cherry to top off the sundae. He’s the executive producer of the show, which means the editors can't make him look like a giant tool. (He does that himself though.)
“And then we all felt like we had to pee, but I think we were just hornyyyy."
He describes himself as a "bon vivant."
I don't know how she puts up with him for two minutes. Plus, he's an alcoholic and drug addict. I'm going to blame her attraction to him on her age and lack of life experience.
Why in God's name did Kathryn get pregnant again? Is she completely insane? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying Landon saying she's not fucking Thomas. What a load of crap. She's just "hanging out with him." Girl. Does Landon think we all fell off the turnip truck?
Who watched Southern Charm?
Foos is an unreliable narrator. I never once bought the story about the drug dealer killing his girlfriend. Do I think somebody may have beaten their girlfriend and Foos witnessed it? Absolutely.