That’s the kind of dedication I’ve come to expect from Lucille 2.
That’s the kind of dedication I’ve come to expect from Lucille 2.
A shame that we have some drama queens objecting to a history lesson here. Good, bad, ugly, this is a historical fact. A lesson that some people don’t want to learn for one reason or another. Why we the people of the USA can’t move forward.
That’s immediately who came to my mind. And this kid didn’t even “whistle”. This situation would be laughable if it weren't so disgraceful.
I think humanity will be fine. The fact that the Kardashians provide entertainment for the public is frankly pretty harmless. Human beings have always needed ludicrous things to entertain them, from spy flicks to bubblegum pop. I’m pretty sure that stupid cat videos are basically right above food and shelter in…
Hoooooooooooly shit. NOPE.
And poor Bernie Sanders didn’t get invited, even though he supported gay rights decades earlier than either of these two and before this weekend was the only candidate to comment on Transgender issues.
Oh for fucks sake.
On Sunday’s State of the Union, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke to CNN anchor Jake Tapper about Planned Parenthood…
Justin Bieber’s friends say he doesn’t drink or do drugs anymore.
I am a true Christian because I took a meeting with the Pope.”
It’s rude to tell me how to eat my pizza.
Yeah, well baseball is duller than pig shit. What else is there to do?
Holy shit, if this woman did not consent to this, let her rain fire and brimstone upon them until even their bones have turned to ash. I want their children’s children’s children to still be paying her, and I want these people in jail.
Samesies. They seem like relics of Hollywood. I fully expect every guy at a sorority to look like Freddie Prince Jr., and for the sorority girls to be wearing butterfly clips in their hair.
Not sure if satire, or just dumb.
I’m not exactly believing of this but now I can only hear Charlie Daniels in my head.
I don’t think she's quite as bad as people who bring uninvited children.