
Like how did that person even end up on this website? Lmfao.


I am estranged from my sister but if she died by suicide my heart would be in pieces. She has struggled with mental illness and suicide attempts in the past....I cannot describe to you the depth of the pain it would cause my mother, my younger brother, and even myself even though our relationship is bad if one day she

Bronzer is a joke. You cannot get high from it.

A friend of mine who used to heavily abuse Robitussin tells me that until it wears off you can definitely be euphoric and delusional enough to not realize/care he’s president. At least for 6-8 hours. Definitely make sure you take the kind without acetaminophen or you’ll die.

I’m interested.

I’m gonna see it.

I wanna see it.

I concur

I loved watching Michael Flatley performances on VHS when I was like 5. It’s so weird to me looking back as an adult that I was so into that stuff. I am not interested in anything really remotely similar today. I wanted to be in Riverdance soooo badly.

We have lot of “is this real life” coming our way, my friend.

Thank you for this comment

David Space wouldn’t either if I recall correctly.

Oh, Jesus Christ. Slipping into obscurity is preferable to this, Bo.

That is one of the weirdest and emotionally unhealthy thought processes ever. And I am really weird and have many problems.

Bo Bice like the dude Carrie Underwood beat? Is he racist? I must know! I haven’t heard that name since she won idol.

Needs more stars.

When O Rly blamed Sean Hornbeck for not escaping from his abductor (because it must have been sooo fun to not have rules- I mean in between getting raped obvi) I lost whatever amount of respect I had for people who don’t think Bill Orly is a terrible human being.

Hmmm. In my specific case or in general? I make light but the truth is I get so drunk sometimes I don’t remember what I said or agreed to. But I was not passed out and I definitely consented to sex with my partner. I thought the next day I may have given him the greenlight to do that and I honestly really could not

Are you my older brother because this is exactly what he would say.