
Hey, the grays are not in any way just for trolls! There are a bajillion regular non-troll commenters who are still stuck down there for no good reason.

I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did


I’ll never understand Australian horse racing.

I understand that India and China are the most populous nations on Earth, but starting off with the most noticeably non-white nations first is terrible for optics.

fuck, man.

Megacities, you say?

I feel like it’s the White House IT department that should be investigated, not Clinton.

There is nothing mysterious about it. Set up your email on a computer with any of the mail programs on defaul settings it starts syncing everything on the server not just the unread messages.

The most serious aspect of these laws - and not just symbolism - is that they remain on the books in many ex-colonies, half a century after being overturned in the motherland.

American consumers is biggest road block to workers rights. Time and time again, Americans reward companies that exploit workers. Until consumers recognize their power and their role as ethical consumers, this is pissing in wind.

Can we talk about the word insufferable? Never in my life have I met someone use it who wasn’t insufferable

Johnny Cash once sat at the table next to mine at the Bottom Line on night. He had the courtesy to not pester me the entire evening. I remember giving him a grateful nod as I left.

I believe you may have confused high-security forensic psychiatric wards with the Waldorf-Astoria.

There’s just no thar there.

I feel we could have gotten a thar, too....

Their, there, they’re

I try not to be critical of writers on this site. Usually, if I think something is poorly written, I just stop reading, rather than leaving a comment complaining. But, this is a very big deal and it is very, very straightforward to report what the problem is. Everyone should be putting pressure on the Indiana

I’ll be at my local polling center likely being arrested.