
I hope so!

Maybe you should ask Ken Starr then.

Trump says we aren’t supposed to bring up things that happened decades ago when it comes to sexual assault.

Well, Hannity and Brietbart seem to have managed to dig up all of three for the entirety of the man’s political career, none of whom are willing to go on record and answer questions from any non-Hannity/Brietbart news source, whereas Trump’s had about 15 and counting now in the past 72 hours alone and responds by

You’re right. I will certainly not be voting for this Bill Clinton person.

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

The UK parliament has no such legal obligation to carry it out on the basis of an advisory referendum. They could reject it tomorrow, with the only caveat being that the voters could get the last laugh in the next election.

Rubbish, she showed her true colors as Home Secretary. Always was and always will be a right wing conservative and anti immigration windbag.

there are just a lot of angry old people in the uk; theyre downright führious

I know it seems so heil-ly unlikely doesn’t it?

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that a rabid nationalist movement in a European country has led to racial, ethnic and religious violence. I mean, it’s not like that’s ever happened before!

I love it when New Yorkers, especially this dip shit son of a mob lawyer, claim ownership over 9/11. I especially love it when they try to deny any ownership to a person who, for all we know, was sitting in a building that was targeted by United 93.

You were there that day, Rudy? I’m sorry! I didn’t know that. I’ve

Okay, now the Trump campaign has made me like an E.L. James tweet. THAT’S ENOUGH!

I think I can safely say that Brendan is the ultimate, platonic ideal of what it is to be a feminist.

I am merely going off of everything you said, placed right after the text from the article. But only that.

Mewling fucking lickspittles as far as the eye can see.

Repair log for Trump host:

The premise of Westworld, the theme park, is simple: what if we had a place where we could expose our worst selves, and to fall in love and fuck and kill without worrying about the suffering or autonomy of the objects of our love and rage

My dog ate an orange highlighter last night. In a few hours I should be able to send you a picture of my idea for what should play Trump.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.