
If I was paid $150 million to kill someone, I’d be buying a new identity ASAP.

The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.

Well thats what happens when you program your driverless car to drive the same as the local residents. It drives like an asshat like everyone else.

Bundy described federal government officials as modern day conquerers who understand the power they can have over populations by claiming resources, which is exactly what he believes is being done to ranching families across the country.

Why the fuck not? Daniel Foe made himself Daniel DeFoe and no one cared. Stephen Colbert made himself Stephen Colbere, and again, no one cared. May I suggest Ashley Charlotte Eugenie Von Feinberg-Zeppelin? It has a certain ring to it.

Who exactly are you lashing out at?

It was just an “advisory vote” in the first place. All the PM had to do was look at the disaster on the horizon and say, “Nope, never mind!”

and how he is not in jail for tax invasion ???


The Mountain is my champion... in a lot of ways. Some of which I won’t get into right now because, well, I am a classy broad.

This gave me a much needed laugh this morning.

Or even The Nuclear, if it’s a bad day.

Back to Travelocity with you, Guiliani!

At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.

Hillary brain ninja’d the FUCK out of that diseased orange with that comment about his dad giving him money. He was in control up until that point, subdued and a little boring, and then he immediately began to unravel. It was beautiful.

Oh, come on. My crippling alcoholism is a fine religion, if you ask me.

That’s a dumb statement though. They have something to do with high fashion because they model the high fashion, duh. Clearly they’re not designers themselves but are we expecting models pass some sort of high fashion litmus test? That’s preposterous. They need to look a certain way and pose and walk around. This guy

It just comes back to, “Do you feel that prisoners deserve basic human rights?” If so, Mannings treatment should offend you, if not, then it shouldn’t.

Yes, this part bothered me too. The article directly says that his being Gay is part of why he is a Perv... Even if it didn’t mean too. They should fix that.