
I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.

I would be interested to see something that backs up your assertion that employers and school administrators can define what constitutes minority status? I’ve never heard that before, and can’t find a clear resource that answers it.

Oh, well see, so you feel you are allowed to define what is and is not a minority, and that’s just not how the law (or the dictionary) work. So I guess your mistake is that you don’t understand that.

Oh bugger off. He lived in NYC and shot fashion there, the stuff he liked. He didn’t have to like everything ever anywhere on the planet, nor shoot all of everything everywhere. It was not his job to make every human in NY feel pretty, nor every human on the planet to feel pretty. Sometimes (I know, it’s shocking)

These pups like the way you think.

Haha. He’s a wee little businessman. On stilts.

Stopped making sense.

Barack, we need to have a chat about your jeans.

Honestly, the US didn’t deserve the Obamas. The crap we put them through was shameless, and they handled it with such poise and grace. Also, yay, National Parks!

I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.

I mean, Sandy Hook didn’t get the NRA to change its tune, and its membership likes kindergarteners way more than gay club-goers at Latin Night.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault and are honest, you will never, ever sit on a criminal jury. If you aren’t struck for cause, the defense will use a peremptory strike on you.


Have a nephew who was in the corps. He is a sweet kid who grew up and changed dramatically during his two tours, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan (thank god that was enough for him and he got out). Still a good hearted lovely young man, but there are things he won’t discuss and he is not the carefree youngster I

Woah, whoah....woah. “Terrible”?

Life is complex. More than one issue can apply.

What’s wrong with the old fashioned way? Take the desired body parts from the three people in question, stitch ‘em together, animate on a slab during a thunderstorm and BAM! Plus, you get to skip the irritating baby stage.

I think you meant to write “Woke Baeby”

What did I just read???