
Settle down, Teddy Atlas

Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

Little girl #3: “I’ll see you at Lincoln Center. I’ll be the one on the stage; you’ll be the one in the cart out front”

Muhammad Ali’s death has no place in a dirt bag.

We don’t hate people, so much as find them inconvenient.

How about your vest, made of real gorilla chest.

Are you... Are you asking me if I’m the tomato troll? This is a first.

jk jk i hate you burn in hell #gorillazforever

She is in her 80's and British, it was likely with the utmost sincerity to cast aside the exhibit of emotion.

Yeah, I read her entire note as “I disagree with the choice you made but I’m not judging you, you did what you felt you had to. Here’s some professional advice re: the other gorillas.”

Probably more like “be that as it may” or “whatever the reasons.”

As a fast walker I can sympathize with his viewpoint a bit, though I think the better way to go about it is to get silently and hyperbolically angry about it and then take it out on strangers on the internet.

here come dat boi!!!

So after posing an angry rant I realized that what you were probably saying is that it’s sad that the magazine that has equal representation is considered trailblazing.

We’ve gone from ‘she didn’t feel comfortable being a black woman in overwhelmingly white Columbia’ to ‘Columbia’s engineering department may be overwhelmingly white (and Asian, which I guess now counts as white?) and male’ as a justification for letting her mother think she was dead for weeks.

which also included a side of mansplaining NYPD officer, because of course:

Cue all the people who use “queue” wrong.

I’m OUTRAGED. My two year old daughter saw this and I immediately had to try and explain it away. She was like “Doryyyy!!” and I said “Don’t worry baby, there’s no such thing as gay people”. Then she goes “Pretty water... pretty fish!!” and I was like “Exactly. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

Queue all the bigots*

Why is there alwaysone jerk who has to take any topic and make it political? Give it a fucking rest.