I have NEVER heard that .... it may have been a better choice for my own name
I have NEVER heard that .... it may have been a better choice for my own name
Volcano!!!! I feel young again!
It is a delicious term ... naive, almost
Chatty’s!!! I forgot about that place!
Scots-Irish - a heady cocktail
It’s not meant kindly - from my earliest memory of it it was a daring insult for kids to hurl - suggesting, I think, that the object of the term possessed both male and female genitalia ... it was always pretty funny and so I reclaimed it....
This. Is. Jezebel.
Bawbag, bawheid and cuntybaws are all gems.
Eddin-buh-ruh might be one way of explaining it....
Certainly, I have developed a poker face over the years when listening to people’s Scottish accents.
I fear I have lowered the tone. The Tunnel should only ever be mentioned in a whisper amongst one’s closest friends.
I learned very early not to be a smart-arse/bawheid in the company of drunk Scottish ladies. That was a good lesson anyways.
I think “pagger”has fallen from use. I escaped involvement only because of my east-coast bafflement.
It is not a name that is without troubles ... I tried once upon a time to explain its origins to someone it inadvertently offended. I was not successful.
AND we can rotate though them at dizzying speed.
Sadly I am an exile, washed ashore in the New York many moons ago and stuck here
Not shy, drunk Scots men. You get tears and laughter and then a fight and a cuddle all in one.
It seems I was being asked to lend a hand in a fight that was none of my concern....
I recall with fondness the first time I was approached at night in Glasgow (outside The Tunnel, I confess) and asked to lend a “haunner” in a “pagger”.
It’s true ... there aren’t many of us here.