I had not encountered the term “husky” until I moved to the U.S. I like it. Husky. HUSKY.
I had not encountered the term “husky” until I moved to the U.S. I like it. Husky. HUSKY.
Did any use the headline “Maid ‘n Mad-Hatter”?
Right ... let them just be kids for a while... life’s too short regardless
Good luck with the adventure! It’s like no other! Even as you pick your battles, you learn a lot. The issue of gender and clothing colors is one that I now think there is no “right” way to tackle, other than to speak your mind and let your kids form their own opinions. I assure my daughters that pink is not just for…
I tend to think you’re right. The moms she was pulling up for their behavior were in all likelihood not bad people, just the product of their own time and culture.
Certainly her struggle is draining her: I admire her courage in fighting the fight 24/7, when most of us pick our battles, rightly or wrongly.
I’m always astounded by the moms who will say in very cheery voices, of their teeny daughters: “She’s a little flirt!” when the kid has merely smiled at or tried to play as an equal with, little boys.
I would claim that’s what I meant, but in truth, I had no idea.... this is perfect
If he’s any street, it’s Sesame
It’s similar to the typo that named them UBER rather than LYING BALLSACKS
I would look through the wee hole while wearing the ears
I would cuddle him for way too long than was decent or healthy
I mean, as mad as a brush, but a sweetheart
Andy Cohen has a lot to answer for. And yet answers for nothing.
Right? Ben should have got them tattooed on his back
It’s a survival trait and should be on our resumes/cvs....
Right? I’ll keep my coat-of-many-beggars’-skin but from here on in, I am ONLY wearing the faces of the one per cent
Oh please ... like none of us on here can skin a person and wear their face like a mask