
Transfered over nicely to the Kindle app on an iphone but reads as all caps with gibberish formatting ... I’m off to fiddle a little as it’s worth the effort...

Now playing

Thanks for reminding me (in a vague way) of this ...

Right ... I even wrote in to Jimmy asking to have my wish granted .... coulda got more than I bargained for

Rolf and his didgeridoo .... ack

Not Tony Hart, thank god.

There was and is an assumption that the whole thing went a lot higher into government circles, too. I was hoping The Guardian might have the resources to chase it down, but so many of the accused are dead it’s maybe hopeless...

The scope of the offences, and the entertainers involved, was staggering and horrifying. Operation Yewtree seemed at one stage to be sweeping up every children’s entertainer who was big in those days.

Jim’ll fix you

Certainly, he is guilty of making the young, cool and inhumanly attractive Johnny Depp vanish without trace...

Gawd, I do that all the time now: an old pal of mine swap weekly emails saying “have we read that? Was it good?” like sci-fi Grandpa Simpsons...

It’s cool, but less so than the thing it’s based on....

Please, not with the “you’ll never guess what happened next” tricks... we love you guys and would be fine with clicking through anyways....

There was an engaging episode of one o those “After Humans are gone”series that was all about the large plate glass windows in modern blocks that are held in by the rubber seals/frames, and how after a certain number of years they’d be falling like rain as all the seals gave way.

Hey, it can shoot you, put out any resulting fires on your clothing then patch you up! Ace!

Sounds sharp. You fellas better hope she isn’t on Hogan’s team.

I hate to think what my eavesdropping Samsung tv will make of all this

What does it all MEAN?!??!

I mean, we finally get around to trying to end this shit at home, and we’re going to greet our alien neighbors like that, too?

Like alienface is ok ....sheesh....